Personal & Group Coaching
Our skilled coaches come from diverse backgrounds —each with unique professional experience, practical knowledge, education, leadership training and life journeys to help you navigate your career—and celebrate your success!
Strategic Advice to ¡Rise to the Top!
LatinaVIDA’s certified coaches provide tailored support and guidance to set you up for success. Our dedicated coaches foster greater self-confidence, unlock potential, and equip participants with the tools and resources to clarify career goals and put strategic plans together to achieve them. Topics include: how to advance to the next level in your career, how to manage your boss, how to successfully overcome impostor syndrome, and how to improve communication skills.
Personal Career Coaching
Success begins with identifying the right coach. Our coaches offer a 30 minute complimentary consultation to ensure a good fit before moving forward. For more information, please fill out our contact form.
LatinaVIDA Circles Group Coaching
LatinaVIDA Circles are informal coaching and empowerment networks to help one achieve work-life goals with peer to peer support and mentoring opportunities. Talking through career challenges, sharing lessons learned and celebrating successes is a great way to learn and co-mentor other career-minded diverse professionals and build community with the support of a LatinaVIDA Facilitator.
Interested in starting or joining a LatinaVIDA Circle? If so, please fill out our contact form.