Ophelia B. Basgal

Board Director

Ophelia B. Basgal is an experienced executive who has led large organizations in both the private and public sectors. During 2010 – 2016 she served as the Regional Administrator for the Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) for the states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and the outer Pacific Islands and reported to the HUD Secretary. During her tenure with HUD, Ophelia established a regional mentorship program for Presidential Management Fellows. Prior to this position, she was a Vice President at PG&E, a Fortune 200 utility company serving Northern California.

Ophelia is a highly sought after speaker, consultant and executive coach. She has a strong passion to serve millennials and women interested in developing their leadership potential. She values and promotes diversity and inclusion in organizations and has served as an advisor to several employee resource groups that appreciate her straightforward approach to strategic planning, community outreach and program design. In 2009, Ophelia was named the Ultimate Hispanic Executive by the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (now Prospanica) in 2009.

Throughout her career, Ophelia has produced noteworthy results that have been recognized in national settings. Her communication style and skills have led to frequent speaking invitations from a variety of organizations and the media. She also has extensive experience facilitating group meetings focused on organizational transformations and strategic planning.

Ophelia has a BA with Distinction from Arizona State University and Masters in Social Welfare Administration from the University of California, Berkeley where she is a currently a Visiting Scholar. In addition to serving on the Board of LatinaVIDA, she also serves on the Board of the San Francisco Foundation and is current Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Alameda County California Employees’ Retirement Association, a $6 billion multi-employer pension fund.