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Ep | 31 - Relocating for Your Career with co-host Stacy Estrada
One important consideration as you navigate to a new job or even if you’re asked to take a new role for your current employer is that you may need to move in order to land the perfect role.

Ep | 32 - How to Keep Yourself Visible in this Virtual World with manbassador Rod Colon
Having a strong, solid brand is great but it means little if you're unable to get the word out about it. That's why it's so important to be well-vested in social media.

Ep | 30 - Ready for Your Employers Transformation? with co-host Stacy Estrada
3 tips on how to prepare for workplace transformation!

Ep | 29 - Learn to be a Great Peer Mentor with co-host Stacy Estrada
Learn how to be an effective peer mentor.

Ep | 28 - Why Women Will Lead Us Out of the Pandemic with co-host Christina Castaneda
How you can have more empathy, encourage collaboration and focus on the long term win-win for your teams.

Ep | 27 - Staying focused during chaos with co-host Milena Garcia
How to stay focused during stressful times.

Ep | 26 - Who has your back? What You Can Do Now to Build Trust and Save Your Team with co-host Christina Castaneda
Why building trust, taking in harsh critique and keeping the lines of communication open can keep you working in a drama and disaster free work environment.

Ep | 25 - Making the Most of Glamour Work co-host Stacy Estrada
Tips for how to position yourself for Glamour Work!

Ep | 24 - Working with a Career Coach co-host Tammy Ramos
What you need to do in your coaching sessions so you get the most from your career coach and advance in your career with success.

Ep | 23 - An Episode for the Leaders and How to Manage Inclusively co-host Stacy Estrada
Tips for formal and informal leaders to consider as they navigate through this "new normal" and how to support their teams in the process.

Ep | 22 - Building allies at work with co-host Milena Garcia
How to build allies in the workplace and get the support you need to advance your career!

Ep | 21 - Power Moves for Running Productive Zoom Meetings with co-host Cristina Castaneda
How to run a Zoom meeting that people will love to attend.

Ep | 20 - Recognizing and Overcoming Mental Blocks with co-host Stacy Estrada
3 most common mental blocks people face in trying to accomplish their goals.

Ep | 19 -Getting the Help You Need at Home with co-host Tammy Ramos
The importance of getting support from family at home so that you can achieve your career goals.

Ep | 18 -Making a Career change for the "New Normal" with Co-Host Milena Garcia
3 tips on what to consider as you look at the new landscape of jobs!

Ep | 17 -Tips To Help You Prepare For Performance Evaluations with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
Tips To Help You Prepare For Performance Evaluations.

Ep | 16 - Should I Hire a Career Coach? with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
Things to consider when hiring a career coach.

Ep | 15 - A Crucial Skill for Career Success
3 Career Power hacks to apply listening skills for career success.

Ep | 14 - Don't Shy Away From Feedback, It's There To Serve You
3 career power hacks on using Feedback to advance in your career.

Ep | 13 - How to Job Hunt like a True Jefa with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
3 career power hacks to job hunting with a mindset for success.

Ep | 12 - Work-Life Apps to Make Your Everyday Life Easier with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
Think about the different aspects of your work-life where one or more apps might be useful.

Ep | 11 - Surviving a Toxic Work Place: Drama and Chismes with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
How to survive a toxic work place.

Ep | 10 - Avoid Burnout Jefitas! Say goodbye to FOMO and hello to JOMO! with Co-Host Estrella Bonilla
3 powerful career hacks to avoid burnout.

Ep | 09 - Your Authenticity is Your True Superpower with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
What it means to be authentic and leveraging our best, beautiful, multi-dimensional selves at work!

Ep | 08 - Say No with Grace or No to almost everything? With Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
Building your skill at saying no--with grace--is also part of demonstrating a sense of priority that is essential to effective leadership and your personal brand.

Ep | 07 - Spring Clean Your Mindset with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
How to spring clean your mindset for a productively successful new season.

Ep | 06 - How to Leverage Your Personal Learning Cloud with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
3 tips on building and using your Personal Learning Cloud.

Ep | 05 - Are You Working to Live or LIVING to Work? with Co-Host Laura Vargas
3 questions on what makes a great career.

Ep | 04 - Public Speaking Got You TREMBLING Like Cardi B? with Co-Host Cristina Trujillo
3 tips on planning to make a great presentation.

Ep | 03 - Making LATERAL moves, a Smart way to build your Resume with Co-Host Laura Vargas
3 tips on assessing whether a lateral move is right for you.

Ep | 02 - I Feel INVISIBLE at Work, Help! with Co-Host Laura Vargas
3 tips on recognizing the warning signs your relationship with your boss needs attention.

Ep | 01 - Get Real! Perfectionism can lead to FAILURE
3 tips on freeing ourselves from striving for perfection.

Ep | Bonus Q1 - How Knowing Your Worth will Prepare You For a More Successful Salary Negotiation with Co-Host Dr. Maria Hernandez & Guest Melanie Chavez
3 steps to take when you are negotiating a salary for a new job or taking a promotion.